Home Post 1075-chapter-154


As the rain poured down harder, the depth of the lake increased accordingly. The water, which had barely reached Andra’s knees, soon rose beyond her thighs.

Nevertheless, she remained rooted in place, gazing at the shimmering surface without making a move. Her long, wet golden hair clung to her face, her makeup smeared, and her dress dirtied in mud…… At this moment, she was the most pitiful and miserable woman imaginable.

Andra bit her lip. As expected, it wasn’t there. Finding Marchioness Avelin, who had closed her eyes long ago, among her features was nearly impossible. From her hair color to her eyes, she bore a striking resemblance to her father, Albert. The woman with brown hair and deep, amber eyes was nowhere to be found. Tears streamed incessantly from her eyes.

If there was just one thing left behind… it would have made this less heartbreaking. She’s her child, and there must have been some resemblance in her. Yet, Andra’s mother departed without leaving anything behind for her only daughter. Not a trace of her eyes, nose, or mouth. There was nothing about any of it.

Today, Andra resented her appearance more than ever before.

‘I’m Mother’s daughter… how can I not resemble her in the slightest?’

If that was the case, maybe her mother shouldn’t have left just like that. Or at least, she should have hugged her, just once, before she left. Now there’s nothing left.

Andra reached out with a hand and scattered her face’s reflection in the water, the face she no longer wished to see. The waves swelled and swallowed her. She felt like she wanted to disappear in the water too.

When she was very young, Andra had asked her father why there was only one locket pendant left as her mother’s portrait. What did her father say? That he wouldn’t leave any traces of her existence as she was an angel who came down to Earth secretly? Even as a young child, Andra couldn’t help but feel that her father’s words were an absurd lie.

But Andra couldn’t bring herself to ask her father for the truth. His expression as he spoke was filled with too much sadness.

When her head grew a bit bigger, she learned that her mother had been the previous Emperor’s classmate, the second Queen Mother successor so she closed her mouth herself.

Her life was saved by Marquis Avelin’s, but in the end, she had to become a dead person. So they couldn’t even leave her portrait as wanted.

The Emperor wanted everything that had happened in the battle for the throne to disappear without a trace. Record it as history, but do not leave a stain. That is what the Emperor wanted.

‘Andra, don’t show that pendant to anyone else. Keep it and look at it only when you’re alone.’

The servants who served in her father’s stead always told her. Andra nodded as she always did, and as instructed by the servants, she only opened the locket to gaze at her mother when she was alone.

A plain appearance, a subtle smile.

Though the portrait was tiny, with features slightly distorted, it was enough for Andra to imagine being with her mother. Recalling the stories her brothers servants told her of her mother. Marchioness Avelin, endlessly kind and cheerful. Despite never leaving the East, she loved both the East and Avelin.

Andra clutched the necklace in her hand, determined never to lose her mother’s last keepsake. It was the sole trace of the person who had to live as though she were dead. Andra wanted to preserve at least one small trace for her mother. It was inevitable for a daughter to love her mother, after all.

But she had lost it now.

Andra couldn’t imagine her mother’s face, Maybe because the portrait was very small, even though she had seen the portrait countless times before. In her memories, the features were slightly distorted – her eyes, nose, and mouth. She was heartbroken at the thought of not being able to remember her mother.

She hadn’t even had a chance to say goodbye.

She wasn’t even ready yet.

Should she let her go like this?

“Who is there… No, Lady! Why are you in there!”

A soldier who was patrolling, found Andra standing in the lake in the rain and rushed over in alarm. The water had risen to her pelvis. It was as if the sky were unrelentingly pouring rain, as if representing Andra herself.

“Please come out!”

Splash, splash. The soldier went to Andra to try to get her out. He reached Andra and extended a hand, but Andra didn’t take it. She didn’t want to leave the lake without the necklace. Her regrets kept holding her back, she was not mentally prepared.

“Lady, please, take my hand. I’ll safely escort you outside.”

“….I can’t.”


“I can’t go. Leave me alone.”

The soldier hesitated for a moment, seemingly at a loss for words, but then he took off his jacket and draped it over Andra’s shoulders. He picked her up and began carrying her outside. Of course, Andra struggled because she didn’t want to leave without the necklace.

“Let me go! I told you to leave me alone!”

“I’m sorry, Lady. But I can’t accept that order. I don’t know what the reason is, but it’s not safe for you to stay here.”

“I’ll handle it myself! I can’t go without… I can’t!”

Andra broke free from the soldier’s grip and started moving back towards the lake. Lady! The soldier hurriedly followed her and shouted.

And then it happened. Andra stumbled and was suddenly submerged in the water. It happened so abruptly that water rushed into her mouth and nose. She struggled to breathe and her soaked dress acted like an anchor, pulling her down. She tried to move her arms and legs, but her dress restrained her movements.

Andra panicked.

Someone, help…! Deep waters or not, Andra couldn’t let her guard down. The lake, which had quickly filled with water due to the pouring rain, was still steadily rising. She couldn’t breathe, and her lungs were rapidly tightening as water incessantly poured into her mouth. Andra was engulfed by the fear that she might truly die like this.


Fortunately, the soldier who had come to rescue Andra quickly pulled her out of the water. He led the half-conscious Andra back to solid ground.

As soon as she was out of the water, the soldier patted her back and she vomited the water she had swallowed. Cough! Cough! Her eyes and ears hurt, her nose stung, and her throat felt congested. Andra spent a while gagging, expelling the water she had ingested.

“Are you okay now? I’ll support you inside.”

When Andra’s coughing subsided, the soldier who had been patting her back held out his hand. She took the soldier’s hand and weakly stood up. Her legs felt shaky, and her soaked dress weighed her down, but strangely, she was gradually regaining her clarity of mind.

And one name suddenly occupied her thoughts.

Andra bit her lip.

With the soldier’s help, Andra returned to the hall, where she noticed surprised and hushed whispers from the people around. Given that Lady Aveline appeared drenched and disheveled, it would be strange if people weren’t astonished. The soldier who had helped her brought a blanket and covered Andra with it.

“Where is Lady’s guardian? I will escort you to them.”

Andra glanced at the soldier at the gentle and kind question.

“What’s your name?”

“What? Ah, my name is Vladio Ester. I’m sorry, I should have introduced myself first…”

“Thank you, Sir Ester. After today, please send a letter to Avelin in the east. I will adequately reward your efforts.”

“It’s not necessary. I mean, I’m just doing my…”

“Avelin’s favor is best not declined. It’s quite rare. I don’t need this anymore.”

Andra handed the soldier back the blanket and walked away without waiting for a response.

Nobody tried to stop her despite her soaked and muddy appearance. Her determined stride, her fierce gaze, and the direction she was heading all left people curious. The crowd murmured in confusion about why Lady Avelin had appeared in such a state.

Andra eventually reached Dustin Airak and Lady Venetolia, having seized a wine glass from someone along the way. Without hesitation, she splashed wine on Dustin. Splash! The red wine dripped down his chin. Dustin raised his hand to wipe the wine from his face, his previous smile replaced by a stern expression.

His dark green eyes glistened ominously as he looked at Andra.

Is she out of her mind?


She didn’t turn to look at Dustin, but rather, her gaze was fixed on Lady Venetolia. The lady appeared flustered, her face a picture of confusion.

“Lady Avelin, what is this…?”

“You should develop a better eye for men. I can’t really recommend Airak as the last man.”


Lady Venetolia let out a shrill scream, but Andra paid her no heed. Finally, she turned to face Dustin directly and said.

“Lord, you don’t have good hand habits.”


“Go to hell, Dustin Airak.”

With those final words, Andra turned away and headed outside. By then, Adego had approached her. Seeing her second brother, her tension softened and her body became limp. Adego wrapped his coat around her and hugged Andra who was staggering to support her.

Adego didn’t ask any questions immediately. He was solely focused on helping Andra get away from the hall as quickly as possible.

Andra could suddenly understand why. Just at that moment, the hall’s entrance was graced by her father, Marquis Avelin, and the Emperor herself.

Silence descended upon the hall, and everyone held their breath, watching the scene unfold. The Emperor cast a keen eye around the hall. Her gaze fell on Lady Venetolia, who was pale and shivering, and on Lord Airak, who was dripping with wine. Then, she turned her attention to Lady Avelin, who looked unknown where she came from.

“Marquis Avelin.”

The Emperor gestured to Albert. Albert quietly left the Emperor’s side and approached his daughter. Upon seeing Andra like a wet mouse, he was momentarily speechless. From head to toe, she was a complete mess.

First, Albert checked if there were any injuries, thankfully finding none that seemed serious. Finally, he composed his startled heart and asked.

“Andra, what… happened? Exactly what….”

“…..Sorry, Father.”

Andra managed to say, barely holding back tears.


“I lost the necklace… No matter how hard I looked… I couldn’t find it. I really wanted to find it…”

“Oh, child…”

Albert’s face hardened. He looked down at his disheveled daughter who was crying. Her trembling shoulders looked pitiful. Without any concern for his own clothes, he hugged Andra. It’s alright, it’s alright… The Marquis repeated those words until Andra’s trembling shoulders finally stopped. In his arms, Andra burst into tears.

“I want to go back…”

She loathed everything about the current situation and felt a deep sense of disappointment.

“I want to go home…”

The necklace had slipped away from Andra’s grasp forever.

