Home Post 942-chapter-17


Drifting Away Noah

Alongside the impulse to step into that scene, Olivia felt a conflicting emotion that made her not dare approach it.

Suddenly, a part from Olivia’s distant past surfaced.

“Grandma, why was I born a commoner and a girl? It would have been better if I at least had a higher status or had been born a boy.”

Once, her classmates had called her not by her name, Olivia, but as ‘the commoner girl.’ That day, when she had cried in front of her grandmother, filled with anger and sorrow, was the first and the last time.

She had hoped her grandmother would fiercely defend her, saying she wouldn’t leave them alone, even if just in words. However, her grandmother had simply hugged her and cried together. The cry was so pitiful that it felt like a heavy lead weight had settled in her already burdened heart.

After a long time, her grandmother, with a face lined with wrinkles and filled with sadness, said to her.

“The world is inherently unfair. Acknowledge that, but don’t conform to it.”

Those words were deeply sad.

It was as if her grandmother was admitting she couldn’t protect her. It was unfair and sad… not the emotions a girl of barely ten should have to feel.

Why should these painful words come to mind while witnessing such a beautiful scene?

The next moment, the man who kept making her feel small turned his head, and their eyes met. For some unknown reason, Olivia couldn’t look him in the eye. She quickly averted her eyes as her heart pounded.

Hesitantly raising her eyes again, she found he was already looking elsewhere.


The reason she felt smaller in his presence…

Perhaps it was because she envied him.

What kind of life had this man led?


⚜ ⚜ ⚜


Every time their eyes met, that woman was busy looking away.

What did he do?

Noah withdrew his gaze from Olivia, inwardly sneering. From yesterday’s banquet to today’s afternoon events, his body felt stiff. Still, the relief of having concluded the events was immense.

Checking the time, he realized he should leave now to not be late.

“I will take my leave now.”

At his words, Leonard, who had been affectionately holding Lucy’s hand, turned sharply towards him.

“Do you have an appointment?”

Noah, annoyed by Leonard’s feigned ignorance, forced a light and let out a light laugh.

“I’m in demand, as you know.”

Simultaneously, the Queen frowned.

“Noah, where are your manners?”

“Mother. The event I promised to attend has concluded, so I’ll be leaving now.”

“You’re probably off to play polo again, I presume.”

With a shrug, Leonard took Lucy’s hand and entered the palace. Noah’s brow furrowed in irritation.

Since a certain point, the strained relationship between father and son had become Queen Beatrice’s biggest headache. The problem was Leonard’s attempt to treat his strong-willed son Noah like a puppet on his palm, and Noah’s particularly strong resistance didn’t help either.

Sensing her son’s deteriorating mood, Beatrice quickly nudged him off.

“Go on then, but be careful.”

After politely greeting the Queen and Margo, Noah left the palace without looking back. Asher and the Queen watched his departure with concern and sighed, prompting Margot to shake her head slightly.

“Typical Leonard, so selfish.”

It was a bold statement to make about the King, but both Asher and the Queen pretended not to hear.

Beatrice noticed Olivia standing at a distance and gesturing subtly towards her. The more she saw her, the prettier she seemed. The girl had even gained Princess Margo’s trust. She would be perfect as Lucy’s tutor. Still, she knew Margot wouldn’t approve.

“Miss Liberty, I heard Lucy was rude to you. I’m sorry.”

Olivia quickly shook her head.

“It’s fine, Your Majesty. She wasn’t rude at all.”

“That’s kind of you to say. It’s been a while since I’ve seen Lucy so happy. Let’s go inside.”

After Asher escorted the Queen inside, Margot followed. Climbing the steps of the palace for the last time, Olivia glanced over her shoulder.

A tall man in a black suit was striding away quickly.

All alone.


⚜ ⚜ ⚜


Noah left the palace in haste and headed straight for the polo club. He rode a horse instead of taking a carriage, and upon arriving at the club, his tardiness was immediately noted by the prodigal sons.

“Ah, how can you be so late? We’ve been waiting for ages!”

“Talk like that after taking my wallet.”

Noah took off his jacket and handed it over to someone nearby. He walked to the changing room and unbuttoned his cuffs. By the time he reached the changing room, his shirt was unbuttoned enough to reveal his firm chest.

As Noah was about to enter the changing room, he looked at those who would be playing with him today and pointed at the padded jackets hanging on the wall.

“Wear the padded jackets today.”

Realizing Noah’s green eyes were ablaze with a competitive spirit, they groaned but obeyed his order.

Shortly after, Noah appeared fully geared with his face armor, helmet and padded jacket. Matt, who was nearby, handed him the mallet.

“Noah! Why do you always channel your frustrations into competitiveness? There are other desires, too, like hunger, sleep, and, yes, libido! Why not satisfy that one? Asking us to wear padded jackets, what are you planning to push through today?”

Noah chuckled and replied.

“You told me not to come to the fall party, and now you suggest I should satisfy my libido? What are you trying to imply?”

“Oh, right.”

The prodigal son’s boisterous laughter echoed throughout the club.

Noah skillfully mounted the waiting horse, grasping the reins with his left hand and the polo mallet with his right. Beyond the gates opened by the stable boys, a vast expanse of a polo field stretched out. The grass fields could only be described as immense.

The wide field, the rough breaths of the horses, and the thrilling sensation from hitting the mallet’s end. Noah’s heart was racing as if it would explode.

It was a moment when he felt truly alive.

After gently stroking the neatly trimmed mane of the polo pony, he lightly pressed its sides, and the horse began to trot.

His teammate Lawrence approached him closely with sparkling eyes.

“Your Highness, what about Miss Olivia Liberty? I heard she even attended the garden maze party and is heading to Pulder. Is that correct?”

These guys were still on about that.

“Ask Princess Marguerite.”

“Ah, you’re asking us to do the impossible. Just tell us this! Is she attending the maze garden party?”

Should he repeat that Astrid’s guests were treated like Astrids?

However, thinking of the small woman who always avoided his gaze cooled his pre-game excitement. Feeling too annoyed to add anything more, Noah just nodded dismissively and spurred his horse into a gallop.

“Oh! She’s attending!”

He could hear his teammates cheering behind him, but what did it matter?

“D*mn loafers.”

Muttering under his breath, he took a deep breath in the open field.


He finally felt like he could live after escaping the suffocating palace.

In the following match, Noah played fiercely, driving the opposing team back as usual, and secured a decisive victory with an overwhelming margin.

The next day, after a polo match and a long night of drinking, he woke up later than usual.

Through his hazy vision, he saw the chief maid, Mrs. Betty, carefully set up breakfast.

Choosing to keep his eyes closed a little longer, he heard her pushing the tray out of the room. Finally, he sighed languidly and got up from his bed. He had apparently drunk quite a bit, as he realized he hadn’t even put on pajamas.

Pulling back the curtains that darkened the room and opening the terrace door, he was greeted by bright sunlight and a brisk autumn breeze.

