Home Post 995-chapter-36


“What? That’s not possible!”

Reedmore’s eyes narrowed. It seemed he hadn’t even considered a suggestion similar to mine.

I calmly urged him, “Just hold on. Since you’re already here at the banquet, wouldn’t it be nice to greet people you haven’t seen in a while and have some conversations with them?”

He shook his head firmly.

“I didn’t come here today to socialize. I came as your protector. Remember?”

“I appreciate it, really. But with you around, I can’t help but worry.”

I gestured at the gathering, indicating the throng of admirers basking in Ridim’s attention and glowing under his adoring gaze.

His gaze returned to me. He sighed quietly.

“I’ll say it again, I’m grateful to you. Honestly, having you by my side is immensely helpful. But if we keep this up, those people won’t stop bothering us.”

“…Still, I can’t leave. I promised to stay by your side.”

I pleaded earnestly.

“Helena hasn’t arrived yet, has she? Maybe it’s better to take this time to finish conversations with others and then come back out.”

That seemed to sway him. He raised his head, his hand hovering near his mouth in thought.

“You might have a point.”

He looked at Aila with a worried expression and instructed her firmly.

“Your role is important, Aila. Make sure you don’t stray from Khalia’s side, understood?”

“Of course, Young Master.”

She nodded firmly.

As Ridim walked away, he kept glancing back at us. He waved goodbye.

As the Desmiere heir approached, the faces of those gathered turned pale.

“Hello, Young Master. It’s an honor to greet you. I am from the upper ranks of the Azure Hawk…”

“Ridim! This is my friend…”

“Nice to meet you, Reedmore!”

People who were meeting him for the first time, or those with faces, crowded around eagerly.

There was still a hint of discomfort on Reedmore’s face, and he still seemed somewhat concerned about me.

Nevertheless, he couldn’t hide his pleasure at seeing people he hadn’t met in a long time.

With the attention-grabbing figure gone, the surroundings finally quieted down.

“Let’s take a break.”

“Yes, milady.”

I headed toward the nearby terrace with Aila. It felt refreshing to feel the breeze outside.

“Aila! Oh my goodness, it’s been ages!”

Before even drawing back the curtains at the terrace entrance, a delighted exclamation filled the air.

Turning around, I saw the figure of a woman I hadn’t seen before. She paused briefly when she saw me but didn’t stop her approach.

“Who’s that?”

I whispered to Aila, who seemed both pleased and flustered for some reason.

“Someone I knew from my hometown. I’ve never heard she was in the capital…”

The woman who had now reached us greeted us.

“It’s nice to meet you, Lady. I’m Herot from Caranthir.”

“I’m Khalia from Estelle.”

Her demeanor was impeccably polite.

But that was it.

“What brings you here, Herot?”

“I came to visit my uncle’s residence and ended up receiving an invitation…”

While she spoke to Aila, her words trailed off, and she glanced briefly in my direction.

It seemed my presence was somewhat bothersome.

“Excuse us for a moment.”

I pulled Aila back. Feeling a sense of familiarity with her ignorance, I suggested,

“Aila, I’ll be fine. Why don’t you go and talk to her?”

“But I can’t leave you alone, milady! You heard what Young Master said, didn’t you? I must stick by your side.”

“Reedmore’s words aren’t necessarily the most important, are they? Have you forgotten? You’re my maid,” I whispered, glancing at her. Her lips puckered slightly, annoyed.

“That’s reckless of you to say!”

Finding her reaction adorable, I chuckled softly and urged Aila gently.

“I’ll stay quietly on the terrace until you return. It’s a rare occasion for you, too, isn’t it? It might make you seem more sociable to interact with her.”

“Even if you say so…”

“Constantly being in the spotlight must be exhausting. Enjoy the party as a noble lady. I’ll stay right here.”

As if to assert her presence, she opened the curtains and took a step inside.

With arms wide open, she stood still, signaling that there was nothing to hide.

A hesitant Aila finally spoke up.

“Um… I’ll be back soon then. I’ll just have a quick chat and return, so you need to stay here quietly. Understand?”


I nodded quietly. Aila kept looking back with an anxious expression, but eventually yielded to my firm stance.

She tightly closed the terrace curtains and left.

Listening carefully, I could hear the fading footsteps followed by the murmur of conversations.


I let out a short breath.

The tension that had stiffened my shoulders eased.

Despite pretending otherwise, exhaustion was undeniable. With those around me disappearing, I finally sighed.

The breeze was refreshing. Strands of hair tickled my neck as they fluttered. A hint of floral fragrance brushed against my nose.

Leaning on the balcony railing, I looked out over the outdoor garden.

The soft glow of the remaining magical lights illuminated the garden.

Tables, carpets, and dance floors were left deserted in a circle.

It reminded me of the engagement ceremony from earlier.

The people blessing the union of the future couple.

The solemn vow exchanged under divine protection.

The lovers holding hands, smiling happily as they kissed.

Strangely, those scenes kept replaying in my mind.

Even to them, who seemed happy now, would conflicts come in the distant future?

Would they scream in hatred, unable to understand each other?

Would they have children?

And would they love those children?


No matter what happens, will I protect the baby? Will I put them in my arms and sing songs? Should I lie down with them at night and read fairy tales together? When the child, who was quietly listening to the story, falls asleep, should I stroke their hair and kiss their forehead?

That’s what I hoped for.

Disordered thoughts cluttered my mind.

Suddenly, the scene in front of me dimmed, and I closed my eyes for a moment. I pressed my fingers against my eyelids.

Forget about revenge and everything else, and just go back to being Duke.

If I could hold Aila in my arms and listen to her babble on the bed, even this throbbing headache seemed like it would quiet down. I regretted it.

“Why did I even come to this party?”

What does it matter what Claude Valentine thinks?

What does it matter that I was prepared to face Helena?

Everything I worried about and pondered before coming here disappeared without a trace.

The light of the plans I had set in my mind faded. Their importance diminished.

Not caring about me is just like my sensitive nature. Suddenly, a worthless storm of emotions swept over me, tormenting.

Even though I was breathing in the fresh air outside, I felt suffocated. Breathing was difficult. The passage of air through my throat felt constricted.

“Has the conversation ended……?”

I sent her, but oddly enough, I missed Aila.

Staggering, I turned around and pulled open the crimson curtains.

The noise inside, which had suddenly increased, pierced my ears.

The sound of people chatting everywhere, musicians playing music, people walking, dancing, bustling, and the clinking of glasses…

I covered my ears and hesitantly sat down. I felt the people around me staring at me.

“Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it.”

I murmured without directing it to anyone in particular. I begged desperately. Please.

“The Imperial Rock, protected by the blessing of Lunik, His Imperial Highness, Prince Claude Valentine, the First.”

“Lady Barden, Young Lady Helena Barden.”

Amidst the chaos, the gatekeeper’s voice resonated as if by magic.

I jerked my head up. People standing near the entrance dispersed to the sides.

Through the gap, I saw Helena and Claude, who escorted her.

Helena raised the hand opposite to the one leaning on the prince, covering her mouth with a smile.

Between her half-closed eyelids, her radiant eyes sparkled like jewels.

I hesitantly rose to my feet. My legs wobbled, and I barely managed to stand by gripping onto the terrace pillar.

A person standing in front of me exclaimed, “You look good together.”

I wondered when Felicia and Pogos, the hosts of this party, had entered. They came forward to greet the prince.

“Glory to the Empire. Thank you for attending, Your Highness. Welcome, Young Lady Barden,” Felicia said.

“It’s unexpected to see both of you here together,” Pogos, now acting quite the gentleman compared to his usual demeanor at the academy, responded to Claude’s courteous greeting with an air of nonchalance.

“Assisting a lady in distress is a gentleman’s duty, isn’t it?” Claude replied.

“In distress? Young Lady Barden, did something happen on your way here?” Helena’s voice in response was gentle and cheerful.

Though not loud, her clear and soft pronunciation rang pleasantly in the air.