Home Post 572-chapter-96


Duke Leontine’s funeral was held in a hasty manner.

The entire process was also deemed too hasty and cast doubts among people.

Thus, people who had returned after paying condolences began to voice their doubts on that specific matter.

“Are you saying that the Duke’s accident was caused by speeding…?”

“It’s not even a mountain road. It’s on the roadside.”

“Didn’t they say the wheels were unsteady?”

“I heard there was an issue with the horse…”

Even the cause of the accident was unknown. Every testimony was different.

Accidents where two people died instantly on the roadside are not that common.

Moreover, it was considered by many to be a mysterious accident because it resulted in Duke Leontine’s death.

Everybody knew that there was nothing good for them to poke their noses into this mysterious accident.However, coming from a group of people who had to continually change their perspective in order to survive, it wasn’t all that shocking.

Beneath her mourning veil, Ravia thought to herself apathetically.

‘Everyone has noticed.’

Someone instigated this accident.

Actually, even if not that, this accident was already a feast for the gossipers.

After all, we were talking about Leontine who put Tidwell into the family register and created a buzz on who would be the successor here.

Duke Leontine died before he could hold a proper selection for his succession, so the vultures definitely wouldn’t miss this golden chance. Not to mention, that Leontine proceeded with the funeral without investigating the cause of death had fueled more doubts.

So far, these talks began to circulate.

It must be the work of Lady Leontine who felt threatened by the entrance of an adopted son.

‘It’s the exact opposite.’

If it were any other time, she would get angry because of how ridiculous that gossip was.

Now, Ravia only listened to their whispers without a smile on her face.

The flowers already sit on top of the coffin anyway, so there was no point in listening to them.

Whether it was in her previous life or the present, people’s tendency to talk carelessly about other people’s lives remained the same.

‘Maybe their rambling will get worse when I become the next duke.’ she thought, before stepping away.

She recalled two days ago, the fifth day after the accident.


Ravia finally called someone who she deemed non-existent for the whole 5 days.

He immediately reacted. His stiff face devoid of a smile turned toward Ravia.

No, it wasn’t right to call it a reaction because his gaze was always on Ravia.

After Ravia collapsed after crying like that, Tidwell refused to leave Ravia’s side for days. Whether it was surveillance, or his definition of ‘love’ as he claimed.

Perhaps the biggest reason was because she didn’t eat or drink anything.

She rejected every meal they offered, and she would throw up whatever entered her stomach.

Maybe she only had a few sips of water. In fact, she spent most of her day sleeping.

Of course, it was against her will.

Ravia knew that sometimes her body didn’t move as she wanted. It was something she came to realize after she experienced the Cheshire phenomenon.

Mixed memories flooded in like a nightmare whenever she closed her eyes.

A broken madwoman. A bloodied father whose head is decapitated.

Ravia was choked by those fragments of the novel.

When she couldn’t stand it anymore, the dream which she couldn’t decide was a fantasy or hallucination came to haunt her.

A peaceful tea time she had thought she’d never see again.

Tidwell and her smiling from ear to ear in a beautiful Orangerie.

It was more horrible than a nightmare. Since a sweet dream made the reality after waking up even more terrible and miserable.

Everyday was a constant repeat of her haunted by a dream, and ending up trying to escape the reality with a dream.

These few days, Tidwell would always be present in her memory.

Each time she opened her eyes, she saw him.

Tidwell always wore a dark expression which made her wonder what he was thinking.

Tidwell would always speak to Ravia each time she opened her eyes, knowing well that he wouldn’t get any answer.

I already recovered the duke’s body. The funeral will be held in a few days. I’ll hand over the head position to you, and I’ll be obedient to you as long as you don’t plan to kick me out…

Every word he said turned into an indistinct murmur.

He was so unfamiliar that it felt like the day they slept in the same bed was a lie.

So Ravia tried to erase him from her sight and sought refuge.

Sleep had always been a good means to forget reality, but there was a time when she couldn’t get herself to sleep.

It meant that Ravia couldn’t delay taking action.

On a sleepless night, Ravia called him.

She was curious about something.

That unfamiliar man answered Ravia’s call.

“Please say it.”

The unfamiliar and repulsive man had the same face and voice as the man she used to cherish.

The sense of dissonance made her frown, before she slowly opened her mouth.

“I’ve thought about it a few times…but I still don’t understand something.”

“What is it?”

She wanted to make one thing clear before anything.

“It’s not like you weren’t aware of the consequences of your action. Aren’t you afraid of that?”

“What a strange question. Would it be possible to not be afraid?”

“But why?”

“Are you asking why I’m still doing it despite everything?”

Tidwell sat at the bedside.

As they drew closer, Ravia had to be especially careful not to distort her face.

The reason was simple. Ravia’s every action right now was intended to lower Tidwell’s guard. She had to lower his guard first to execute her plan.

She had to get him closer to her. She had to make him naturally reach out his hands first.

She wanted to give him the impression that she was still locked in his arms. And that she lacked the will to leave.

Tidwell reached out to touch Ravia’s hair.

But his gentle move only touched the tip of Ravia’s head before pulling away, as if putting Ravia’s efforts in vain.

Perhaps it was still too early.

When Ravia tried to get over her regrets, Tidwell uttered.

“…I was so afraid that there would be nothing left between us.”

Someone had to lose his life for a ridiculously stupid reason.

So Ravia asked again while hiding her trembling hand under the blanket.

“You couldn’t think of any other way?”

“Isn’t that the easiest way?”


“You, who are so benevolent and noble, might try to find a way to avoid killing someone like me. But an uneducated guy like me hasn’t learned such a way.”


Ravia almost burst into laughter like someone who forgot her purpose for a moment.

The inferiority and twisted hatred buried beneath those words were way too obvious.

Was it foolish from the beginning to expect morality from a guy who was described as a ‘villain’ in the book?

“So right now…are you satisfied?”

“It’s very satisfying.”

Tidwell laughed for the first time. It was a rather unfamiliar laugh.

“From the very beginning, I think the problem between us was that we care too much about the eyes around us.” Tidwell said.

They built a fake tower, so they had to bend over backwards just to preserve its exterior shape.

“But look. There will be many fewer eyes to care about if even one person is gone.”

You’re wrong. The problem between us from the beginning was your selfishness. Your eagerness to lose nothing by sacrificing everything else pushed the situation to an extreme.

Only you don’t know that. Only you….

“You’re right. There’s nothing to worry about.”

“After you take over the duchy, I’m sure you’ll be able to adjust to this life pretty quickly, Sister.”

That’s what you want to believe.

Ravia sneered inwardly.

Of course, while maintaining her unambitious front.

“I’m glad I have nothing to fear.”

Tidwell looked visibly relieved after that conversation, although he was unable to completely lower his guard.

He probably wondered if the resentment she showed him earlier was caused by shock…

It was a great relief that he was still as selfish as before, not even reflecting.

She was glad that she was his only fear.

Now she could get her revenge with ease now.

She no longer needed Hamlet’s anguish.