Home Post 1082-chapter-25-2


The response from the Crown Prince elicited murmurs from the attendants and nobles below. They accepted it as a nuisance.

With the addition of a new regulation, additional education for the servants would need to be provided. This was expected to meet with considerable resistance, as it was both cumbersome and offered little benefit. So, nobles who preferred a life of leisure and indolence were particularly averse to anything that brought inconvenience without substantial gain.

The Crown Prince’s expression remained unchanged as he continued the meeting with a subtle smile playing at the corner of his lips.

“At present, Your Majesty, who holds unrivaled power, is the only one addressed with the honorific ‘Your Majesty.’ Below, both the Grand Duke and I are addressed with the honorific ‘Your Highness,’ while princes and dukes, including the Kingdom’s kings, are addressed as ‘Your Highness’ as well. Below them, marquises, earls, viscounts, barons, and lords are distinguished with slight differences but do not receive any additional honorifics. The titles for noble children are unified as young lord and young lady.”

“Isn’t that enough?”

“Dare I say it’s inadequate.”

“How so? Whom do you propose to elevate further?”

“The kings of the kingdoms under the empire are honored as ‘Your Majesty*.’ However, can they truly be considered superior to the dukes of the Empire — Solem, Muha, Chappelle?”
[ T/N: Even though their titles are both ‘Your Majesty,’ the title for the kings here is different from the emperor mentioned above. For the emperor, it’s the word ‘폐하—used to refer to or address an emperor or empress,’ while for kings, it’s the word ‘전하—used to refer to or address a king.’ ]

It wasn’t a question but a statement.

The Crown Prince continued to explain the validity of his argument.

“In the imperial law, there are two entities explicitly stated to be untouchable in their nobility: the blood of the imperial family and the blood of the founding patriots.”

It was the first statement written in the discussion of imperial law. Understanding its significance, the room fell silent in an instant.

Among them, only the Crown Prince’s voice was clear.

“I’m not suggesting disregarding the kings of the kingdoms, but I’m simply proposing that special titles be bestowed upon the descendants of the founding patriots — Solem, Muha, Chappelle.”

“What titles.”

“With titles befitting their status. How about bestowing the honorific ‘Illustrious Highness’* to the only three ducal families in the empire?”
[ T/N: The author used the word ‘서하(瑞下),’ which doesn’t directly translate to an English title because it is a Korean honorific used to address someone of high status, particularly a noble or high-ranking official in historical or formal settings. In English, the equivalent title would depend on the context and the specific rank or position of the individual being addressed. It could be translated as ‘Your Highness’ or ‘Your Grace’ depending on the specific circumstances and the hierarchical structure of the society being described. However, since they are the only three ducal families that were founding patriots, I decided to choose a title that’s different from what is normally used for princes or dukes. ]

As the Emperor looked at him with shining blue eyes, it was a questioning gaze, asking what significance this suggestion held.

Undeterred, the Crown Prince continued speaking.

“Honorifics are widely used in daily life and, therefore, would become a system deeply imprinted even among the lower classes. While current titles may establish a hierarchy to some extent, from the perspective of the lower classes, they all ultimately amount to the same ‘lords.’ So, the intention is to establish order by differentiating honorifics. It embeds the unalterable class distinctions into daily life, leading to a continual indoctrination effect. The starting point of differentiation should be reflected in everything. First of all, I propose pushing for the adoption of distinct honorifics for all classes with differentiation. Starting with the use of the title ‘Illustrious Highness’ for the three dukes.”

His suggestion was a promising proposal that some nobles could agree with. However, understanding the underlying principle beneath it was a matter they couldn’t easily endorse.

It was because the Crown Prince aimed to further stigmatize the class system. He sought to refine and institutionalize nobility, creating boundaries and confinements for each. It was the starting point for all forms of discrimination. By changing the language spoken by everyone, regardless of whom they addressed, it would make their class status palpable.

Therefore, the powerful nobles would become ensnared by the titles and treatment they were currently given, obsessing over trivial honorifics. Then, gradually, they would attempt to control behavior as a whole, cliquing up those of similar status, bowing down to the top and venting frustration to the below.

It was an intention to solidify control both horizontally and vertically.

“What do you think?”

The Crown Prince’s gaze focused solely on the Emperor, disregarding the subjects below. In an empire where everything was centralized to an almost pathological extent, he knew the power of the one who sat at its pinnacle.

If the Emperor permitted, the rest could be suppressed and manipulated.

The eyes of the beacon at the empire’s singular apex fixed sharply on the Crown Prince. There was no kindness in his gaze as he looked upon his son. It was a cold stare, assessing whether he was a threat and a rival to his power.

“I can’t agree with everything. However, some of it makes sense.”

He partially accepted his words as his son’s values aligned with his own. Still, it was merely a small concession to suppress his son’s power.

The Crown Prince also understood his father’s intentions well, so he remained silent for now.

“Therefore, only the use of ‘Illustrious Highness’ for the three dukes of the empire, Solem, Muha, and Chappelle, is permitted, and the rest is disallowed.”

“As you command.”
